
We specialize in comprehensive accounting services tailored specifically for the real estate industry. Our team of professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve financial success and growth.

All too often, a disjointed approach to cross-border tax and compliance services leads to legal and financial woes that are very difficult to unravel. Instead of having a separate Canadian CPA working over here, and a separate US CPA working over there, both of whom devise strategies that end up making the other jump through hoops, Real File CPA provides a seamless solution.

With both Canadian and US CPA’s on staff, along with enrolled agents and legal associates who work closely together, Real File CPA’s cross-border compliance and structuring solutions are kept in-house. This means you will avoid double tax, mitigate risk, and be able to sleep well at night.

Form Corporations, LPs and Trusts to minimize your cross-border tax burden

Provide filing alerts to ensure you avoid catastrophic penalties with the IRS

Help you navigate the quagmire of FIRPTA, FAPI, and Non-Resident Withholding Taxes 

Provide advisory and support looking for cross-border businesses

Determine return on investment (ROI) and analyze opportunties

Enjoy the freedom of feeling organized!